sEcuRe manAgemenT of iOt devices lifecycle THrough idENtities, trust and distributed ledgerS

Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

sEcuRe manAgemenT of iOt devices lifecycle THrough  idENtities, trust and distributed ledgerS(ERATOSTHENES) is a project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, with the aim of creation a full domain ecosystem which controls the lifecycle of IOT devices and how they interact inside a domain.

    Providing crucial protection against cyberattacks, the ecosystem, assess the behavior of the devices inside a domain and can extract certain information that can lead to the exploit of critical flaws in IOT device firmware and  the creation of a more secure network.EULAMBIA's roleDevelopment of PUF based security solution as a root of trust for identifying IOT devicesDevelopment of a authentication and validation service for IOT devicesDevelopment of a PUF based module for IOT devicesProject InformationThe project has a total budget of 5.9 Million Euros and a duration of 41 months (1 October 2021 – 31 March 2025). It brings together a consortium of 14 partners from 9 EU countries, comprised of leading European research/academic institutions, SMEs from the software and security domains.

Eulambia's Role

Development of PUF based security solution as a root of trust for identifying IOT devicesDevelopment of a authentication and validation service for IOT devicesDevelopment of a PUF based module for IOT devices

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